I have said it once before and I will say it a million times more- I personally believe that the key to a successful relationship is to always remember that you are best friends before anything else. You should always treat each other the way you would treat your best girl or guy friend- with respect, with loyalty, with laughter, with honesty, and with I-would-jump-in-front-of-a-bullet-for-you love. And once you have this down, falling in actual love with each other becomes 100 times easier. This person, this best friend, becomes the one you share all of your secrets with, the one you sleep next to and watch TV with, the one you may occasionally need to share a toothbrush with when you forget yours on that overnight trip, the one that will always, without fail, eat whatever is on your plate because they have food envy, the one you want to kill for not putting a new trash bag in the trash can, the one you wake up next to and the one you kiss goodnight every night. This person is no longer
just your best friend, they are your one and only person, the only one you need to rely on when all else fails, the one you are in love with, the one you said 'yes' to forever to... and how amazing is that. I can't think of anything better.
Jeremy and Christal have this love, the best kind of love. The kind of I-want-to-strangle-you-sometimes-but-hold-your-hand-and-kiss-you-forever kind of love. The you-make-me-feel-all-the-feels kind of love. The best friend kind of love. And I am so glad I get to be a witness to it all. I am so lucky to call you both my best friends (not the fall-in-love kind though, sorry) and I am so grateful that I'm always reminded of what fate and true love really are, because yes, I believe in all that crap wholeheartedly :) Thanks for keeping that belief going. I hope that you always keep each other smiling, laughing and loving for many years to come!
Love you guys. Can't wait for the big day!! xoxo
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